Things Not Going As Planned?

If your placement is not progressing quite as you had imagined, try not to panic!

You may be feeling isolated and missing friends and family.

You may be concerned about whether you are able to meet the challenges of the role.

You may experience problems adjusting to the culture of the workplace.

It's totally understandable to be feeling a sense of unease and anxiety during your time on placement, and these concerns are actually very common and are to be expected, especially during early stages of a placement.

However, there is no need to suffer alone! Here are a few things that might help:

If you are working for home:

Even though these suggestions may help, there are certain situations when you need to contact The University of Sheffield straight away, these include:

As a placement student you still have access to the support services provided by the University: 

The Faculty of Engineering has a Well Being officer who you can have 1-1 appointments (online), this is often a good place to start if you are not sure whether you need more specialist support. 

Student Support (SAMHS) offer a range of support including online resources and online triage for counselling appointments.

Any student who is having suicidal thoughts, thinking of self harming or harming others should contact one of the agencies listed on this webpage.

The Students Union offers a free, professional and confidential advice service for all students and Nightline continues to be available for you anytime during term time.

If you decide to leave your placement early:

Please contact at the earliest opportunity to discuss this.

If you leave your placement early and have not worked the required number of weeks to qualify for Year in Industry then you will have to take a Leave of Absence. This will have implications for your student status and you may also have to pay back all or part of your student maintenance loan.